Surviving Today's Job Crisis in India

Surviving Today's Job Crisis in India

By Abhijit Roy

Those getting laid off or not finding jobs at the end of an expensive education should rethink how they can create new value. I think it's time talent looked only at big brands to hire them.

1. Look Beyond Big Brands
There are many more small and medium enterprises who always suffer from lack of quality talent. That's the pool of companies which talent should explore. This is where they can add maximum value.

2. Gain Hands-on Project Experience
Instead of looking at and waiting for very high salaries from big brands, young people should look at gaining hands-on project experience where they can prove their worth. This would significantly add to their CV. It's often difficult to play a meaningful role in major projects in large brands.

3. Build Your Own Teams
Young talent could also build their own teams and offer as-a-service solutions to small and medium enterprises which cannot afford to hire full time professionals.

4. Make a Difference
In short, talent has to find the opportunities where they can make the real difference, rather than waiting for the big brands to hire them at fancy salaries.

5. Build Solutions on Use Cases
If nothing else, identify use cases of business challenges, build solution architecture alone or in teams of friends, and showcase those in your CV as proof of what you can do. Connect with companies, institutions, organisation bodies to source industry challenges and build solutions to keep your talent in shape and sharpen your CV with real-world solutions.

6. Get Certifications
The other option is to get some free certifications on Generation AI and other emerging technologies from Ivy League Colleges to add to your CV.

7. Don't Wait
Of course there are those who need a job immediately after education to contribute to the family. This is the reality of India that cannot be ignored. Please don't wait, just do anything to start earning, from teaching kids in the neighborhood to taking up part time jobs, starting a small venture, just do anything to keep the revenue streams flowing. Just remember any work, as long as it is ethical, that pays is respectful


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